However Mac Photos is only showing 11,535 for this total and when I look at Preferences/iCloud in Photos it says that it's uploading 12,231 items!
Photos on your Mac will start downloading the new photos from iCloud Photo Library, once it has finished uploading the photos from your Mac to iCloud Photo Library.
and why is it apparently trying to upload 12,231 items?
Your Mac will restart the upload of the complete Photos library whenever it is uncertain, if the library on your Mac is not identical to the library in iCloud, for example:
Photo - Print photos right from your device, Facebook, Instagram and more - Create personalized folded photo cards. The uploading process takes forever and if my phone turns off from just sitting on the uploading page for so long then my uploading process cancels because the app closes. Another issue I’ve had recently two times was a. It means that if you install the iCloud on your PC, while have not taken new photos on your iPhone iPad and sync to iCloud Photo Library, there is no order for iCloud to download photos. Enable iCloud Photos on Mac: G o to System Preferences Apple ID. Click iCloud in the sidebar, then select Photos. Open the Finder in Mac OS and go to your home directory Go to the “Pictures” folder Locate the file named “Photos Library.photoslibrary” Right-click (or Control+Click) on “Photos Library.photoslibrary” and choose “Show Package Contents”.
- The Photos Library will be uploaded again if you toggle the sync with iCloud off and on again.
- The Photos Library will be uploaded again after you restore the Photos Library from a backup drive or move the library to a new location.
- The Photos Library will be uploaded again, if you run the Photos Library First Aid Tools and repair it.
Uploading again will not result in duplicates. Photos will just compare the libraries and merge the library from your Mac into the iCloud Photo Library. It is not causing duplicates, it is just taking a very long time and a waste of bandwidth.
Photo App Not On My Mac Air Force
Jan 8, 2017 11:30 AM